Black Jack Beagles

                                    A little about me and my history, i started hunting when i was about 13.I started out like most without a clue . i was given
                                    a dog that nobody  wanted anymore. i worked alot with that dog for about 2 years total learning everyday  having alot of
                                    furstration and aggravation .I finally got her started and shot my first hare with her at 14. Throughout my teenage years i
                                    acquired various junkdogs. Although i got started by a friend as time went on i hunted a lot with him and through him i met
                                    others and so on and so on .
                                    When i turned 19 i went into the navy  i had to give up my favorite pastime and hobby.A couple of years later i came back
                                     to my home state of maine to start were i left off .Christmas of 92 my mom and girlfriend at the time bought me a male pup
                                    this dog was outstanding something i'd never seen before  i later  acquired a few more hounds one of wich i still have today.
                                    In the summer of 1994 with the help of friends and family members we built a kennel wich is 14x32' with both hot and cold
                                   water heat and running water .This has been a big asset to me over these last few years .I have had and have such names as
                                    branko, greenbrier, sourahudunk ,bell ,ranger dan , rebel and many others.

                                       With that said: u can have the best blood going but its what u do with it that counts.